When Life Throws You Lemons...


Photo by Matthew Henry

Fam! We have all know the clichés that relate to life's challenges. We also know that when tough times arise, things often get worse before they get better. There's an old song that goes, "trouble won't last always." No one has ever professed that trouble won't ever come or that things will always be perfect, have they? You know why no one has ever promised those things? Because it wouldn't be true. Challenges are a part of life and make us both stronger and wiser. Rough times will occur in life, and there is no real way to prepare for them because we have no idea when it's going to happen. What we can do is be positive and keep in mind that things will get better. There's always a resolution to a problem, and often times when we face challenges, it prepares us for something better. Funny how life works, isn't it? So, chin up and brace yourself and when life throws you lemons, make lemonade or lemon meringue pie or whatever lemony dessert you choose. Most importantly, remember to count your blessings when the storm passes.

Write on,



Happy New Year!


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