July 18th is the Date!
Well, I finally got a release date for my book, guys. July 18th! Things are really coming together with this project. I started writing this book four years ago. Work and family obligations didn’t allow me to write non-stop, but limited time didn't hinder me from pursuing my goal of becoming a published author. It took time, but I did it, and for that, I'm proud.
Once the manuscript was complete, I knew I had to take the next step and find a publisher. I don't know how many of you have ever shopped a book, but man, it can make you feel like the biggest loser ever. All of those "no's," "no thank-yous," "not what we are looking for at this time," and sometimes, just silence. This process does nothing for self-esteem, nothing at all.
Now that I'm knee-deep in the publishing process, I'm happy that I didn't give up on my goal. Anything is possible if you are persistent and believe in yourself even when it seems like no one else believes in you.
One of the most significant challenges for me so far has been to “market myself.” I am not a very open person and until now, have been pretty tight-lipped about my writing. As I step out of my comfort zone, which includes writing this blog, it feels good to embrace a different side of myself and step up to the challenge. I’m nervous, but I’m going to do it! Wish me luck guys!