Living Your Purpose
Photo by Matthew Henry
Only four more weeks until my book is released!
So far I’ve introduced a few excerpts from Anytime Soon. Here’s one that gives you a peek at what drives Anaya Goode.
Can you relate?
Excerpt from Chapter 3
I think Mom was right when she extended my therapy with Judy. I have always been an intense thinker. People often respond to something I say with “I never thought about it like that.” Or, “I hadn’t thought about that at all.” I certainly picked the right major. I love delving into other people’s minds and thoughts and trying to figure out why they react or don’t react the way they do. So I’m easily drawn into the daily problems of my friends and family. But at the same time, I am unsure of where my own life should be headed.
Because I was in my last year as a psychology major, all of my classes were related to psychology—particularly female-related issues. My favorite class had been “Women in the Workforce.” Recently, we discussed the typical woman who worked a day job and then had to go to her “home job.” I was sure that I didn’t want to get stuck in that trap.
Through the psychology department, there were lots of opportunities to train under licensed therapists. Even though getting such an internship position was highly competitive, I was sure I could get one. But I didn’t apply, because those therapists were mainly helping rich married women who were bored with their housework. I didn’t want to do that kind of therapy.
I wanted to do worthwhile therapy. I wanted to reach out to children who didn’t understand why their moms were unable to care for them because of some addiction. I wanted to listen to young girls who had been abused or neglected and couldn’t understand why they were unable to find happiness anywhere. I believe we were all put here for a purpose, and my purpose is to hear the hearts and minds of those kids no one else has time to listen to. Talking is not therapy. Being heard is therapy