Tamika Christy

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Making Better Choices

Photo by Brodie Vissers

Hi, fam. With a little extra urging, I will start off the New Year in an intentional, healthy way. I am going to try the Whole 30 plan with some of my co-workers. I was apprehensive at first. I mean, no cookies and no wine? I'm fine without legumes or dairy, but no vino? The Whole 30 plan is not about weight loss but about making better food choices. Ultimately, I decided that I can successfully stick to the program for thirty days (yes, even without cookies and wine). We only get one body, so we have to do what we can to preserve it, right? And of course, my good choice has to contend with leftover holiday snacks sitting around the office. I am currently on day 3 of the plan and have packed my compliant meals and snacks each day. So far, I feel great, but I will check in again later in the month! Sometimes things seem harder than they actually are, and often, those are the things we need to do to make progress. I love my sweets, but I know this plan is temporary, and I also know it is good for me. How great would it be if we made better choices every day, no matter how challenging? How often do you make healthy lifestyle changes?

Write on,
