Has COVID Taught Us Anything?


At the end of a phone call with my aunt the other day, she said, "I'm so happy you called. You made my day."

Before COVID, I hardly ever talked on the phone. My infrequent catch-up calls were reserved for commute hours. Shout out to the real ones who obliged me for a 7 AM chit-chat.

But those days are long gone. With travel limitations, social distancing, and mandatory work restrictions, I find myself picking up the phone more often. Happy Birthday! Just called to say, hey! Did you vote? How is virtual learning treating you? 

Yep, now I call for significant events, or for nothing at all. 

How about you? Have you changed any habits during COVID? Acquired any new patterns or traditions? 

COVID turned our world upside down, but let's look at the bright side of pandemic aftermath. Namely, some habits that might be worth keeping. Here are some of my faves: 

  1. Unwavering empathy. The pandemic brought an onslaught of residual issues: economic downturn, increased awareness of health and education disparities, and an overwhelming loss of life. It's beautiful when everyone comes together in support. Let's not lose this.

  2. Family time. I played Uno, Monopoly and had more movie nights than I have in ages. I also got to see the domestic side of my husband that I adore. Whether you and your family made new dinner recipes, played board games, or started a new hobby, continue spending priceless time together.

  3. Support Black business. I love the new awareness, and I love seeing our business thrive. Keep it up!

  4. Home-cooked meals. Nothing like it. This is a must keep.

  5. Wash yo hands. I still can't figure out how this wasn't a thingfor some people before COVID but please, continue to WASH YO HANDS!

  6. Big tipping. Am I the only one who increased tip percentages during the pandemic? If so (and you are able), please do.

  7. Pick up the phone. I alluded to this earlier, but forgive, love, hug, and call your peeps. One thing I've learned through this pandemic is the fragility of life.

  8. Exercise. Keep it up.

*I intentionally excluded wine. I'm not ready to discuss my pandemic-related alcohol consumption.

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