Tamika Christy

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I'm Locked Up. They Won't Let Me Out

Photo: Sean Johnson

Well, fam, we received the directive that we will be sheltered in place for another thirty days. I know it’s a lot. Many of us are wondering not only how we made it through March, but how on earth can we do this again through April?

I know we all have varying family circumstances. Some of us are alone, or couples—then there are the families. I am quarantined with three generations in my household, and each day brings a new challenge--like the other day when our Yorkie bit my nephew on the lip. He had to be rushed to the hospital to get seven stitches.

I truly, digress.

Rather than focus on the negatives, we try to be thankful that we are together and healthy, and we strive to put make the best each day. While I am the wife, mother, daughter, and aunt in my house, I am also a full-time professional. I need my clan to recognize that just because I’m on the couch in my cozy outfits every day doesn’t mean I’m not working.

I know April will be one of the longest months ever, but here are a few techniques that have helped us get through.


I’m not saying throw on your best dress or your favorite jeans. A cute hoodie and sweats are perfect. Just wake up and present. Throw on some tinted moisturizer for those Zoom meetings, and a little lip gloss never hurt anybody. It will make you look and feel better.


Now, this one is sometimes hard for me because there are so many anomalies around here (like the dog bite), and since I control my schedule, I tend to deviate. Try not to do that. It’s best to keep work time, family time, and mealtime sacred. Make the most of the day and put the kids (and yourself) to bed ON TIME. Staying up until 1 AM to binge-watch a new show on NetFlix will only throw you off the next day. Remember, the key is to try to live the way we did when we could go outside.


I’m sorry, just don’t. You’ve seen and heard all the statistics. You know the basics—COVID-19 is here, folks are getting sick, and you know to stay in the house. Don’t digest this information every minute of every day. It won’t do you any good, and it’s not good for your mental health.


You knew this one was coming. COVID-19 is NOT in your back yard or on the running trail so, just get on out there and do it. There are a billion home workout apps out there to keep you fit and motivated. And if you haven’t found one yet, just take a friendly scroll through your social media, one will find you. Make it your mission to come out of this quarantine summer-time fine.

We will get through this together. Stay healthy and STAY IN THE HOUSE!

Write on,
