Tamika Christy

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Be Afraid And Do It Anyway

March is Women’s History Month. And while we (should) celebrate the accomplishments of extraordinary women throughout the year, this is the “officially” recognized month to celebrate incredible women around the globe. 

So, in light of Women’s History Month and all the amazing women out there, I decided that I would accomplish things on my goal list. Especially the things that frighten me most. 

Susan Jeffers famously said, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” 

I have many fears—but that’s another blog for another day. But, one of my biggest fears as a writer is the fear of rejection. This fear has kept me from pursuing agent representation, even though I’ve always dreamed of having a literary agent represent me. I finally decided that I won’t let fear stop me from pursuing this dream. 

I’m going for it, y’all.  

But, guess what? It’s gonna be hard. I started querying agents despite my fear. And I challenge you to do the same. Not just because it’s Women’s History Month, but because you deserve every single thing you want in this life. And if you don’t get it, don’t let it be because you didn’t try. 

Now, y’all know I’m not going to spew advice without a bit of a road map. That’s how I roll. So, here are some things that helped me get over my fear and just “do it anyway.” 

1. Why are you scared?

There are simple fears, like spiders or anything creepy crawly. Maybe even the dark. I know someone who is afraid of ants. It’s all good. But, some fears stem from somewhere. I had to dig deep within myself to figure out why I was so afraid of rejection and putting myself out there. It was hard and y’all know I like to play therapist so I took my time figuring it out. I’d challenge you to do the same. 

2. Consider the worst possible scenario. 

I know that sounds pessimistic, but I let myself imagine the worst thing that can happen from querying agents. And the worst thing is I’ll get rejected. Oh well. There will be no damage to my life, so I might as well try, and so should you!   

3. But what if it works out? 

Consider this. What if you conquer your fear and get everything you dreamed of or wanted. Sounds nice, huh? That’s why you should go for it. 

4. Get Ready. 

Now, we can’t be out here manifesting and overcoming our deepest fears and not be prepared. It’s coming. And if you do the work, everything you dreamed of will come. It’s coming for me, and it’s coming for you too. But we gotta be ready, y’all. When that literary agent calls me with a book deal, I am prepared. My novel is complete, professionally edited twice, and titled. I have a comprehensive book proposal and a solid social media following that I’m still working on. Do you see where I’m coming from? Whatever it is that you are dreaming of or manifesting, it will come, but you have to be ready. Whatever that preparation entails, get to it, so you don’t have to go scrambling to pull things together once your dream manifests. 

5. Take baby steps. 

If you dream of becoming a speaker before thousands of people, manifest it. But in the meantime, prepare yourself by doing small speaking engagements and guest appearances on podcasts. When your big break happens, you’ll be ready. If you want to be an event coordinator, start doing small events for family and friends. Start small and you will grow.  

6.     Adjust your crown. 

You are a rock star. Own it. Believe in yourself and do what you have set in your heart to accomplish. Setbacks will happen, rejections will happen, but keep going. One day at a time. One foot in front of the other. One word at a time. One event at a time. It’s coming.  

You got this! 

Write on, 
