Help, I want to write a book!
So, you want to write a book but don't know where to start. Okay. Cool.
People always ask me: "How do I start writing my book?"
I get it, you have a story (or perhaps stories), and you want to tell them. You've seen other writers talking about marketing, reviews, and posting funny videos of their books, and you are sitting there like, "um, I don't even know where to start."
Rest assured, you are not alone.
Writing is not easy, not even for those of us who have been writing for years. Each project is different. Our moods fluctuate—and as a result, so does writing.
I have several FREE (yes, free) resources available on my website. Check them out, I promise, they will help you.
But after you've reviewed the resources and decided you still want to go through with this, here are a few things you can do to get started with your novel:
Plan your book or story.
What are you writing? Try to sum up your book in a few sentences to give yourself an idea of what you are writing about. You will eventually add more detail, but for starters, write a brief description.
Who are your characters?
What do they look like? Where are they from? And most importantly, WHAT DO THEY WANT? This is your character arc and essential to your story. Make sure your character(s) want or need something that drives them to do things.
Example: Story about a sixteen-year-old who never knew her father and blamed her mother for not revealing her father’s identity.
That's cool. Sounds interesting even. But what does this girl want, and what is she doing to get what she wants?
A better example is:
Example: Story about a sixteen-year-old girl who embarks on a journey to find her estranged father despite her mother's objections.
Do you see the difference? Give your characters a reason, actions, and motives. Where are they?
Where are they?
Give us the setting. Are your characters in Los Angeles living it up Hollywood style? Or do they reside in a small town in the south? Perhaps they are getting hyphy in the Yay Area. Think about where your setting will be. And it's okay if you use someplace you've been or lived. That's ideal because you can give greater setting detail. Think about this carefully because your setting will determine how your characters dress and their activities. You want it to make sense, or your readers will figure it out!
What’s the big deal?
Please, please make sure there's a big deal in your story. Or, in writing terms, give us an inciting incident. Something that gets the novel started. Yes, it's a big deal. I don't mean to pressure you, but spend some time on this. Your book depends on it. Trust me.
Use your voice.
Yeah, guys. I say this all the time in my writing resources. Discover your writing style/voice. If you haven't done so, spend some time doing it before you sit down to write a novel. It will save you a lot of time. If you have trouble with this, check out my resources for developing your writing voice.
Who is your supporting cast?
Who else is in the book and why? What are their purposes? How do they drive the story, and what do they add or take away from your main character.
Voila! You are ready to write your book.
Will it be easy? Heck no, it's hard but worth it. If you tackle these first steps and have reviewed my resources and still need help with your book, shoot me an email, and we can discuss how I can help you along your writing journey.
Write on,